When referring to any sex worker, do not use offensive or derogatory terms such as "prostitute", "hooker" or "whore"
When referring to Dakota or Nikki, you may not use offensive or derogatory terminology such as:
- Shemale
This is a slur that falsely implies "male"
- Transsexual
A self-descriptor for transgender folks who have had (or plan to have) a genital reassignment surgery (eg: a trans girl with a vagina may use the term for herself)
- Ladyboy
This is a slur that falsely implies "boy" (in SE Asia, some folks choose to self-identify with this term as part of their culture)
- Crossdresser/transvestite/sissy
Only appropriate when used to refer to a cis-man who chooses to dress-up with makeup and/or women's clothing.
- Tranny
This is a slur that is dehumanizing and degrading of transgender folk.
- Transgender-ed
"Transgender" is a descriptor, not a verb.
Examples of offensive language:
- "I'm a straight guy but curious..."
Enjoying intimacy with a trans woman does not change your sexual orientation
- "Forced bi"
Genitals do not define a person's gender. An appropriate substitute is "Forced oral"
When referring to a sex worker, the appropriate terms are "sex worker", "service provider", "escort", or "companion"
When referring to Dakota or Nikki, you can use terms such as:
- Transgender woman
- Transgender girl
- Trans woman
- Trans girl
- Girl
- Woman
- Goddess
- Mistress
- Princess
- I will behave
A 'cisgender' person is someone who identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth.
Most of our clients are cisgender men.
A 'transgender' person is someone who does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. This applies to transgender women, transgender men, non-binary folk and many more.